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Id Title Type Publish Date Citation Event or Publication Paper Presentation Recording Download
380 Space Traffic Management: Data Fusion Peer-reviewed article 02/26/2025 2021 IAASS STM Journal of Space Safety Engineering
379 ACTIONABILITY AND PERSISTENCE OF CONJUNCTION DATA Peer-reviewed article 02/17/2025 Journal of Astronautical Sciences
375 Modernization of software for astrodynamics Conference paper 01/27/2025 Space Flight Mechanics Conference
376 Practical issues with using a full gravity field Conference paper 01/27/2025 Space Flight Mechanics Conference
377 LEO satellite behavior during the May 2024 Gannon geomagnetic storm Conference paper 01/27/2025 Space Flight Mechanics Conference
374 SSA and Space Domain Awareness: Challenges and solutions Presentation 10/18/2024 Czech Future Forces Forum 2024
373 Space Traffic Coordination Framework for Success Conference paper 10/16/2024 75th International Astronautical Congress
372 Realizing an effective SSA and STCM framework Keynote 09/20/2024 Space Education and Strategic Applications Conference
371 The TraCSS Consolidated Pathfinder: Leveraging Commercial Capability in LEO Conference paper 09/18/2024 AMOS
370 Launch Collision Avoidance – What is, and what is (hopefully) to come Presentation 08/27/2024 Launch Optimization Technical Interchange Meeting
369 Synthetic covariance production using a new digital approach Presentation 07/15/2024 GNOSIS Orbit Uncertainty Workshop
368 Addressing space threats by using commercial SSA and SDA Presentation 07/10/2024 2024 LSAS Aerospace and Defense Workshop
367 The state of SSA today Presentation 06/27/2024
366 Deep operator and SSA collaboration for space sustainability Peer-reviewed article 06/03/2024 2022 Journal of Space Safety Engineering
364 Synthetic Covariance Production Using a New Digital Approach Conference paper 05/09/2024 International Conference on Space Situational Awareness (ICSSA)
365 Watch out GEO satellites, here’s a new ML-method for manoeuvre detection and intent classification Conference paper 05/08/2024 IAASS Space Flight Safety Conference
361 SSA, STCM, and SDA: Current status and the role of norms and collaboration in times of conflict Presentation 03/04/2024 Japan NSPS Symposium on Ensuring the Safe and Sustainable Use of Outer Space
360 Contrasting the Inflection Points and Efforts in Space Traffic Coordination and Management Keynote 02/27/2024 IAA/UT 2024 STM Conference
359 International standards development activities supporting UN COPUOS LTS guidelines Presentation 02/01/2024
358 2023 Updated Space Safety Coalition Best Practices for the Sustainability of Space Operations Conference paper 12/07/2023 International Orbital Debris Conference
356 Identified gaps in today’s space sustainability approach Panel 12/03/2023 ITU Space Sustainability Roundtable
357 Examining Space Traffic Management through the lens of sustaining outer space activities Panel 11/29/2023 UNOOSA/Portuguese Space Agency "MANAGEMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY OF OUTER SPACE ACTIVITIES CONFERENCE"
355 Pathways to accurate and effective SSA and SDA Presentation 10/11/2023 Reinventing Space
354 Addressing the debilitating effects of maneuvers on SSA accuracy and timeliness Conference paper 09/22/2023 AMOS 2023
353 Protecting the Operational Environment for SmallSats in the presence of Space Debris and ASAT Testing Presentation 08/09/2023 Small Satellite
351 Sustainable Coexistence in Space: How CubeSats and Small Satellites Fit in our Current Space Governance Framework Presentation 08/08/2023 Small Satellite
343 Actionability and Persistence of Conjunction Data Conference paper 08/07/2023 2023 AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference
338 Navigating the Final Frontier: An Overview of the Space Operational Environment and the Challenges Ahead Presentation 06/15/2023 Indo-Pacific GeoIntelligence
339 DEEP OPERATOR AND SSA COLLABORATION FOR SPACE SUSTAINABILITY Conference paper 05/24/2023 IAASS Intl Spaced Safety Conference: "Making Space Travel Safer"
350 Threat Analysis of Unreported Satellites in Geostationary Orbit Conference paper 05/24/2023 IAASS Intl Spaced Safety Conference: "Making Space Travel Safer"
352 Awareness-raising and capacity building related to implementation of LTS Guidelines, §II.B: Safety of Space Operations Presentation 05/22/2023 UN COPUOS Safety of space operations (section B of the LTS Guidelines) multistakeholder virtual event
349 Achieving Space Sustainability through Intense Operator and SSA Collaboration Presentation 05/03/2023 CNES Operator Workshop
337 Just how often do things come "close" ?? Op-Ed 04/12/2023
348 Spacecraft Safety Made Stronger: Taking the Space Data Center to the Next Level Conference paper 03/06/2023 GEOINT Standards Group meeting
334 ISO-CCSDS Intercession to Open Ended Working Group Testimony 02/03/2023 Open Ended Working Group
347 ISO and CCSDS standards for Space Presentation 12/08/2022 GNOSIS Annual Conference 2022
346 Developing Space Standards to Foster International Collaboration Presentation 11/30/2022 GNOSIS Annual Conference 2022
345 Essential elements of the STCM enterprise Presentation 11/28/2022 10th JAXA space debris workshop
333 Operators’ Requirements for SSA Services Peer-reviewed article 10/27/2022 Journal of Astronautical Sciences
331 Standards considerations for a space domain where humans will travel to, live in, and work. Keynote 10/13/2022 Beyond Earth Institute (BEI) Conference
324 Comparison of predicted and observed spacecraft encounters from Russian ASAT test Conference paper 09/28/2022 AMOS SSA Conference 2022
325 Assessing passive radar for LEO SSA Conference paper 09/28/2022 AMOS SSA Conference 2022
316 Space Traffic Management: Let's Act Now! Presentation 09/27/2022 Space Education and Strategic Applications Conference
329 Space Situational Awareness from the Commercial Perspective: COMSPOC, SDA, and SSC Panel 09/22/2022 Safran’s Next in Orbit Conference
323 Identifying Critical LEO Kinetic Space Safety Activities Conference paper 09/15/2022 73rd International Astronautical Congress (IAC) 2022
328 Keeping Space Sustainable for current and future generations Panel 09/14/2022 Space Generation Congress
332 Space Traffic Management: On the topics of Data Fusion and Shared Catalogs Book 09/14/2022
322 Maintaining safe and efficient use of space in the New Space era Presentation 09/13/2022 International Space Radio Monitoring Meeting (ISRMM)
327 ASATS and Conjunction Squalls and New Space - - Oh My! Panel 08/24/2022 After the KE-ASAT Moratorium: What Next?
321 ASAT tests: Adverse implications to operators and the space environment Panel 08/08/2022 SmallSat Conference
330 SPACE TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT TERMINOLOGY Peer-reviewed article 08/03/2022 2022 Journal of Space Safety Engineering
326 Spacecraft brightness: Best practices, guidelines and impact on Space Situational Awareness Panel 06/28/2022 NIST Symposium: Commercial Space and Astronomy Partnering in Best Practices and Guidelines for Brightness Mitigation
320 Examining the risk posed by debris from ASAT tests in space Keynote 06/23/2022 4th Summit for Space Sustainability 2022
319 Long-Term Numerical Propagation for Earth Orbiting Satellites Conference paper 06/22/2022 KePASSA 2022 -
317 Space debris as a backdrop for Space Domain Awareness Colloquium 06/20/2022 Space Domain Awareness Colloquium
318 Data Integrity Aspects of Flight Safety Presentation 06/16/2022 DoD/NIST CyberSecurity Forum
313 Considerations for Space Traffic Management Presentation 06/15/2022 EPP ITRE meeting with stakeholders on "CAN EUROPE TAKE THE LEAD IN SPACE?"
314 Russian ASAT Test: Implications to Operators and the Space Environment Presentation 06/15/2022 IDA SSA Seminar
312 Efficient assessment of long-term encounter rates with CSSI’s volumetric encounter method Conference paper 05/19/2022 Space Debris Modeling Workshop 2022
311 International, Inter-Agency and space industrial leadership roles impacting space operations Presentation 05/16/2022 Improving Space Operations Workshop 2022
237 Russian ASAT Debris Cloud Evolution and Risk Conference paper 04/05/2022 3rd IAA Conference on Space Situational Awareness 2022
308 Solving Spaceflight Safety Challenges: The Space Data Center Presentation 03/22/2022 Satellite 2022
224 Evaluation of LEO conjunction rates using historical flight safety systems and analytical algorithms Conference paper 10/27/2021 72nd International Astronautical Congress (IAC) 2021
238 Innovative LCOLA tool prioritizing accuracy, launch access and efficiency Conference paper 10/20/2021 IAASS Conference 2021
225 Recommendations of the IAF Space Traffic Management Terminology Working Group Conference paper 10/19/2021 IAASS Conference 2021
226 SSA positional and dimensional accuracy requirements for Space Traffic Coordination and Management Conference paper 09/15/2021 AMOS SSA Conference 2021
287 Risk Assessment of Recent High-Interest Conjunctions Conference paper 05/01/2021
239 Results of comprehensive STCM data fusion experiment Conference paper 04/23/2021 European Conference on Space Debris 2021
307 So is My Satellite Really Safe? Conference paper 11/11/2020 University of Colorado at Colorado Springs (UCCS) Guest Lecture
286 Space Traffic Coordination and Management Special Session Conference paper 10/21/2020 AIAA ASCEND STCM Special Session 2020
241 Risk Assessment of Recent High-Interest Conjunctions Conference paper 10/13/2020 International Astronautical Congress 2020
242 The contributions of commercial best practices to the global space governance continuum Conference paper 09/16/2020 AMOS SSA Conference 2020
285 The Space Data Center’s decade of Safety of Flight Services: Contributions to Space Traffic Management Conference paper 09/03/2020 AMOS SSA Conference 2020
284 Space Governance in the New Space Era Peer-reviewed article 07/01/2020 2021 IAASS STM Journal of Space Safety Engineering
283 Book Chapter for A Closer Look at Space Debris: “Space Situational Awareness and Space Traffic Management” Conference paper 03/06/2020
363 SSA DEGRADATION FROM LARGE CONSTELLATIONS: A STARLINK-BASED CASE FOLLOW-ON STUDY Presentation 02/21/2020 Space Traffic Management Conference: Facing the Security Challenge 2020
240 LEO constellation encounter and collision rate estimation: an update Conference paper 01/15/2020 IAA Conference on SSA (ICSSA) 2020
362 SSA degradation from large constellations: A Starlink-based case study Conference paper 01/15/2020 IAA Conference on SSA (ICSSA) 2020
340 Space Governance in the New Space Era Conference paper 12/11/2019 International Orbital Debris Conference 2019
306 Lambert’s Problem – not another one! Conference paper 11/09/2019 Guest Lecture, AGI SSA Initiative Project CoSTAR - Commercial SSA Technology for Academic Research
305 SSA/STM and you Keynote 11/07/2019 Guest Lecture, AGI SSA Initiative Project CoSTAR - Commercial SSA Technology for Academic Research
227 Variance-Covariance Significant Figure Reduction And Its Effect On Collision Probability Calculation Conference paper 10/23/2019 International Astronautical Congress 2019
309 The cost of not doing debris remediation Conference paper 10/22/2019 International Astronautical Congress 2019
304 Long-term numerical propagation for Earth orbiting satellites Conference paper 08/13/2019 AIAA/AAS Astro Specialist Conference 2019
282 Characterizing the India ASAT Debris Evolution Using Diverse, Complementary Tools Conference paper 08/12/2019 AIAA/AAS Astro Specialist Conference 2019
303 Recreating the Apollo 11 trajectory Presentation 07/16/2019 Apollopalooza 2019
281 The technical challenges of better Space Situational Awareness and Space Traffic Management Peer-reviewed article 06/01/2019
280 Debris Risk Evolution And Dispersal (DREAD) for post-fragmentation modeling Peer-reviewed article 04/17/2019 Hypervelocity Impact Symposium 2019
236 Practical considerations and a realistic framework for a Space Traffic Management system Conference paper 02/26/2019 Intl Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics & Australian Intl Aerospace Congress 2019
302 Sequential Processing of ILRS Observations – Experiences over the last 5 years Conference paper 11/07/2018 International Workshop on Satellite Laser Ranging 2018
278 The Need for Comparative SSA Conference paper 10/02/2018 International Astronautical Congress 2018
279 Volumetric assessment of satellite encounter rates Peer-reviewed article 10/01/2018
301 Generating realistic sensor observations for OD analysis Conference paper 08/22/2018 AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference 2018
310 Low-Thrust Transfer Nomograms Conference paper 08/18/2018 AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference 2018
277 Regulatory evaluation of a large constellation: The SpaceX case study Presentation 06/05/2018 Defence Satellites 2018
275 The evolution of the CCSS Orbit Data Messages Conference paper 05/28/2018 SpaceOps Conference and Exhibition 2018
276 The “We” Approach to Space Traffic Management Conference paper 05/28/2018 SpaceOps Conference and Exhibition 2018
235 A comprehensive assessment of collision likelihood in Geosynchronous Earth Orbit Peer-reviewed article 04/24/2018
269 Fragmentation event debris field evolution using 3d volumetric risk assessment Conference paper 04/24/2018 7th European Conference on Space Debris 2017
274 Probability of Collision: Valuation, variability, visualization, and validity Peer-reviewed article 04/13/2018
273 Full characterization of satellite conjunction walk-ins Conference paper 01/08/2018 28th AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Mtg 2018
272 Sample evaluation criteria for space traffic management systems Conference paper 11/14/2017 1st IAA Conference on Space Situational Awareness (ICSSA) 2017
300 Is my Geosynchronous satellite going to be hit? Conference paper 11/03/2017 1st Annual Astrodynamics Research Group of Penn State (ARGoPS) Symposium
228 A comprehensive assessment of collision likelihood in Geosynchronous Earth Orbit Conference paper 09/26/2017 International Astronautical Congress (IAC) 2017
271 Application of New Debris Risk Evolution And Dissipation (DREAD) Tool to Characterize Post-Fragmentation Risk Conference paper 08/22/2017 AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference 2017
270 Status of the ISO space debris mitigation standards (2017) Conference paper 04/24/2017 7th European Conference on Space Debris 2017
268 Collision risk in low earth orbit Conference paper 09/23/2016 International Astronautical Congress 2016
299 Orbital Strategies to Mitigate the Solar Exclusion Effect on Space-Based Observation of the Geosynchronous Belt Conference paper 09/15/2016 AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference 2016
267 Probability of Collision: Valuation, Variability, Visualization, and Validity Conference paper 09/13/2016 AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference 2016
266 The myths and realities of CubeSat collision risk Presentation 04/23/2016 CubeSat Workshop 2016
265 Using space population models to generate representative space object catalogs Conference paper 02/16/2016 AAS 2016 Space Flight Mechanics conference
264 Efficient solutions of kepler’s equation via hybrid and digital approaches Peer-reviewed article 12/15/2015
263 Space Monitoring Presentation: Improved SSA & RFI Mitigation via COMSPOC Presentation 11/30/2015 World Radio Conference 2015
262 Volumetric encounter analysis enhancements Conference paper 08/25/2015 AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference 2015
297 New Consolidated Files for Earth Orientation Parameters and Space Weather Data Conference paper 08/11/2015 AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference 2015
298 Updated Analytical Partials for Covariance Transformations and Optimization Conference paper 08/11/2015 AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference 2015
261 Improving SSA With COMSPOC, Data Fusion and Best Practices Presentation 11/17/2014 AFRL SSA Workshop 2014
229 Multi-Phenomenology Observation Network Evaluation Tool (MONET) Conference paper 09/11/2014 AMOS SSA Conference 2014
260 Parametric Characterization of SGP4 Theory and TLE Positional Accuracy Conference paper 09/11/2014 AMOS SSA Conference 2014
259 Volumetric Assessment of Encounter Probability Conference paper 08/08/2014 AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference 2014
344 Commercial Space Operations Center (ComSpOC): A Commercial Alternative for Space Situational Awareness (SSA) Conference paper 05/21/2014 30th Space Symposium, Technical Track, Broadmoor Hotel
258 QB50 Proposed Deployment ConOps Presentation 04/25/2014 CubeSat Workshop 2014
296 Sequential Orbit Determination Using Satellite Laser Ranging Conference paper 01/28/2014 AAS Space Flight Mechanics Conference 2014
257 Efficient Solutions of Kepler’s Equation Via Hybrid and Digital Approaches Conference paper 01/16/2014 AAS Space Flight Mechanics Conference 2014
230 Efficient Covariance Interpolation Using Blending of Approximate State Error Transitions Conference paper 08/10/2013 AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference 2013
255 Standardization by ISO to ensure the sustainability of space activities Conference paper 04/25/2013 ESA Conference on Space Debris 2013
295 Improved SSA through orbit determination of Two Line Element Sets Conference paper 04/24/2013 ESA Conference on Space Debris 2013
256 Framework for Informed and Actionable SSA Presentation 04/20/2013 Improving Space Operations Workshop 2013
254 Effective Strategies for RFI Mitigation Conference paper 11/18/2012 Satellite Interference Reduction Group 2012
253 Effective Strategies for Satellite Communications RFI Mitigation Conference paper 04/04/2012 ESTEL Conference 2012
252 Space Standards Establish Norms for Space Operations Op-Ed 11/15/2011
251 Space debris observation needs for actionable SSA Panel 09/15/2011
248 Maneuver event detection and reconstruction using body-centric acceleration/jerk optimization Conference paper 08/03/2011 AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference 2011
249 An Evaluation of CubeSat Orbital Decay Conference paper 08/02/2011 Small Satellite Conference 2011
294 SIMULATING SPACE SURVEILLANCE NETWORKS Conference paper 08/02/2011 AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference 2011
247 Determination of orbit cross-tag events and maneuvers with Orbit Detective Conference paper 08/01/2011 AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference 2011
250 Space Data Actionability Metrics for SSA Presentation 06/29/2011 Improving our Vision V 2011
231 Ephemeris Requirements for Space Situational Awareness Conference paper 02/14/2011 AAS Space Flight Mechanics Conference 2011
293 Orbit Determination Results From Optical Measurements Conference paper 08/02/2010 AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference 2010
246 RF Interference Inferences Using Antenna Patterns Presentation 05/13/2010 InfoWarCon Conference 2010
292 Evaluating Gooding Angles-only Orbit Determination of Space Based Space Surveillance Measurements Conference paper 05/12/2010 AAS Born Symposium 2010
290 SGP4 Orbit Determination Conference paper 10/20/2008 AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference 2008
245 AstroHD™: Astrodynamics Modeling With a Distinctly Digital Flavor Conference paper 08/20/2008 AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference 2008
244 Analysis of the response of a space surveillance network to orbital debris events Conference paper 01/29/2008 AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference 2008
289 An Analysis of State Vector Prediction Accuracy Conference paper 10/29/2007 US/Russian Workshop 2007
243 Standardized Approaches for Estimating Orbit Lifetime after End-of-Life Conference paper 08/20/2007 AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference 2007
288 Revisiting Spacetrack Report #3 Presentation 08/21/2006 AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference 2002
232 Orbital Covariance Interpolation Conference paper 02/10/2004 AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Conference 2004
233 Attitude Interpolation Conference paper 02/12/2003 AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting 2003
234 Position Covariance Visualization Conference paper 08/07/2002 AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference 2002